MEN: Master Your 7 Weapons
Every struggle of personal or professional “stuckness” gets back to one of these 7 Weapons . . .
In 7 WEAPONS We Discuss:
- Why simple is powerful
- How to get unstuck
- The one Weapon that almost no one has on their list, but without it, everything fails
- A road map of implementing the 7 Weapons
- The foundational, universal principles of success, regardless of your area of pursuit, where you live, or who you are
- The biggest barriers to succeeding
- Why skill is never enough
- What realities you need to accept and embrace (denying these realities will keep you stuck)
- Why knowledge alone won’t lead to success
- What important lesson to learn from the Olympic gymnast . . . and the cheetah
- What is the fuel that propels us forward, and how without this fuel we stall out every time
- For Rocky fans–why Rocky crushed Apollo, and why Clubber crushed Rocky
- The 4 key characteristics of an overcoming attitude
- The secret that all seasoned sailors know about getting safely to their destination
- What every QB in the NFL better be good at . . . and YOU too!
- What men usually suck at, which only keeps them stuck, in pain, and spinning their wheels
- What we can learn from that old toy “Slinky
- BONUS: FREE e-course included!
In Addition . . .
As another bonus, a couple times a month I’ll be emailing you my newsletter called Monday Motivation, which includes my best thinking on topics such as:
- Midlife mastery for men
- Keys of a healthy transition
- Top tactics to beat burnout
- Developing a growth mindset
- The core “forces” of empowerment
- The importance of physical strength
- The 4 archetypes of every man
- Healthy masculinity
- Emotional wellness for men
- The 11 Vital Essentials for all men
- The keys to mental strength
- Discovering your calling
- Living your mission
- Staying rooted in your purpose
- Finding renewal in the “2nd half”
- Learning healthy endings
- Building core skills to thrive and excel
- Living from the head AND the heart
- Mastering anxiety and stress
- Growing depth in communication skills
- Practicing key rituals and routines of daily empowerment
NOTE: If you’re not seeing my sign-up box, it may be due to your settings. You can also receive this e-book by contacting me on my Contact page and putting “7 Weapons” in the subject line, and I’ll get it to you!