FREE DOWNLOAD! “Monthly Review” PDF: A Simple Monthly Process that Keeps You On Track and Focused to Achieve Your Primary Targets and Highest Priorities.
It’s common for men to lose traction in the 2nd half of life and get stuck, spinning their wheels and going nowhere.
Have you been there? You’re definitely not alone.
When we get stuck, we typically experience what I call “The Big 3”. We end up feeling:
As a result, men often reach for “solutions” that only complicate their lives and lead to deeper problems, even to the point of devastation–drinking too much, over-eating, porn, work-aholism, isolating, reckless aggression, and so forth.
There is a path FORWARD for you, where you are making the necessary adjustments in order to live a fully engaged life of super-charged energy, gaining crystal-clarity on your life direction, and once again feeling effective and “in charge” of your life.
Consider teaming up with me. This is exactly what I do–I work with men trying to figure all this out. I have the fancy degrees and licenses and professional credentials and all that stuff, but much more important than any of that is my rich experience working with a high volume of men from all walks of life and every imaginable background:
- company owners
- CEOs
- entrepreneurs
- leaders in federal government agencies
- academics and teachers
- scientists
- local and federal law enforcement
- fire fighters
- attorneys
- artists
- clergy
- tradesmen
- manufacturers
- truck drivers
- gang bangers
- the homeless
- the severely mentally ill
- the “hopelessly” addicted
- engineers
- architects
- software developers
- nurses
- bankers
- physicians
- tattoo artists
- military personnel and veterans
. . . often entering with them into the depths of their struggles, and having the privilege to see them conquer their barriers and come out the “other side,” putting the pieces together and advancing their lives.
I’ve learned a ton from every one of these men of courage–these “brothers”–whom I’ve had the honor to work with.
I am a coach who focuses on results, always intending to bring only the best of what I’ve learned from those I’ve worked with.
I have nearly 4 decades of experience doing one thing and one thing only: empowering people to achieve the “impossible.” This has been my study, my focus, and my passion.
This is not my “hobby,” or some mid-career transition. This is, and has been, my life’s work.
I have a FREE VIDEO giving men 11 VITAL INGREDIENTS to get out of their rut and FUEL their way forward.
If you’re NOT YET READY to get unstuck, then perhaps you’d prefer to ponder THIS instead:

My name is Sean Patrick Cox, coming to you from Chicago, that great world-class city overflowing with grit and charisma.
I coach men who are in the second half of their lives, who are highly frustrated with their status quo existence, and looking to shift into something much better.
My mission is to equip men who feel stuck and stagnant to reignite their purpose, their power, and their passion, once again living as men of integrity and impact.
High performance, personal growth, the healing path, and “decoding greatness” are topics that consume me and fill my brain, and are the things I constantly read about, ponder, and consult with clients on everyday.
I’ve learned many things along the way, testing and re-testing different frameworks and protocols, and developing my own best practices and methodology that you can’t figure out simply by reading a book or two – it takes study, field testing, practice, repetition, experience, and a lot of hard work, over many years.
If you’re a qualified candidate and good fit for my coaching programs and services, I’d like to talk to you.