Nurture Your Free-Range Brain
One of my neighborhood grocery stores has a decent buffet in one corner. Last Friday I stopped in for a few groceries, and also got myself a couple things from the buffet–salmon and sweet potatoes! Hey, it was just a snack, and I don’t get enough fish in my diet, so don’t judge me lol.
3 Concepts for Managing Conflict
Hello friends, I genuinely hope you’ve been well in all areas of life. This week, let’s talk about CONFLICT. In fact, I’d like to spend more than one week on this topic. We all experience conflict, and it’s often useful to have a refresher on core concepts and best practices. Let’s run
The Power of Process
Hello again, This week, I’d like to remind us of something we all know, but is good to reflect on. Life is a PROCESS. Especially as it relates to our growth. A process, as opposed to an EVENT. Process vs Event. Of course, life is made up
The Power of Modeling
This week, let’s think about MODELING. No, not fashion modeling! I’m talking about the kind of modeling that people need in order to optimize their growth and performance. We know how this works. When we’re trying to learn how to do something, it’s helpful, even necessary, to WATCH someone do what
Are You Fully Engaged?
I’d like to share a couple quick thoughts to ponder this week. Consider the idea of being FULLY ENGAGED in your day, something I talk to clients about a lot. “Fully engaged,” meaning what, exactly? You can come up with your own definition, but for me, it’s being dialed into what
Endurance and Hard Realities
There are times in all of our lives when we simply need to ENDURE. Too many people quit things too soon. How deep is your endurance for those difficult times in life? Now, let me say that there are some things we definitely should NOT endure, but instead should get rid of,