Attention: If my sign-up box is not showing, it may have to do with your settings. If so, message me at and I will gladly send you my 29 Top Tactics.

Your Practical, Actionable Solutions to Prevent Burnout

I wrote this for leaders, but keep in mind that we’re all leaders somewhere, even if only leaders of ourselves (which actually is where all great leadership begins).

I’ve put together the BEST SOLUTIONS I can think of to empower you to prevent burnout.  These solutions are battle-tested in my work with clients for over 35 years, as well as in my own life.  

These 29 Top Tactics are things you can start doing right now to stay fresh and resilient.

And they work.

When you sign up, I’ll also add you to my email list and send you a weekly lesson over the next few weeks–one for every tactic cluster.  This will keep these solutions front and center, and give you a weekly “morsel” of empowerment in your battle against burnout.  

Sign up nowthere is no cost to you.  Fill your arsenal with these 29 sure-fire weapons today!

(NOTE: if my sign-up box isn’t showing, it may be due to your settings. If so, you can message me at and put “29 Top Tactics” in the subject line, and I’ll send the e-book)

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