Don’t Drop Your Sword–Embracing A Warrior Spirit

How do we progress?  How do we move forward?

How do we advance our agenda?  How do we hit our targets, reach our goals, and live our vision?

Obviously many things are necessary to do these things.

One specific thing we need is a Warrior Spirit.

I realize this metaphor won’t resonate with everyone, and will even turn some people off.

Others will get it.

Having a Warrior Spirit is not about killing people.  It’s an overall mindset, attitude, and approach to life.

In fact, as far as killing is concerned, a true warrior’s goal is to actually avoid a fight (as far as traditional martial arts is concerned, anyway.  Notice I said traditional).

So what is a Warrior Spirit?  Here are a few components.

  • Alert—paying attention; not being caught “flat-footed” or dazing off into space; vigilant.
  • Focused—this flows out of the first one—when we’re alert, we’re focused (get a copy of my free ebook “7 Killer Mistakes” for more good info on this).
  • Indomitable—this is where attitude and mindset begins for the Warrior Spirit.  It’s being lionhearted.  Unconquerable.  Staunch.  Indefatigable.  Unassailable.  Determined.  Brave.  Valiant.  Stares down fear. You get the point.
  • Aggressivemoves into and through targets (or problems, goals, projects, etc).  Not necessarily aggressive with people—soft on the people, hard on the problem, when possible.
  • Prepared—keeping the sword sharp, and the techniques crisp.
  • Grounded—in a code of some sort, exemplifying both mercy and justice.  This code guides the noble warrior, drawing a distinction between him and the senseless, selfish marauder.
  • Self-Controlled—flowing out of being grounded, the warrior is in control of himself—his feelings and affections.  The image to remember is that of a powerful stallion standing still at attention, muscles quivering, waiting for its master to give the signal to go, but not one second before.  Power under control, movement and actions making sense, versus a “flailing about”, bucking around like an unrestrained, wild maverick (some people approach life this way).

Are you having some challenges getting that project completed?  Taking on a Warrior Spirit will give you the courage to engage and deploy your best skills, gifts, and thinking, moving yourself into the project with some healthy aggression.

What about that relationship, be it personal or professional?  A Warrior Spirit will prevent you from avoiding that difficult conversation you need to have, and when you do have it, you’ll fully engage and move through it (with self-control!).

And, your Warrior Spirit will also keep you from avoiding being clear about your own needs, wants, desires, feelings, opinions, and limits in the relationship (when applying this to relationships, remember:  a true warrior is not someone who just “fights”.  Anyone can fight, but not everyone knows how to bravely and fully engage in a way that resolves issues).

What about that goal that’s been hanging there in front of you?  Put on that Warrior Spirit and go get it!  Don’t wait for it to magically come to you.  You go get it.  Tomorrow?  No!  Get some movement going today!

So starting today, stir up in yourself a Warrior Spirit as you embrace your life and all that is happening within it.  Do it!

Have other ideas?  Feel free to add more to my list.

--Sean Cox, Chicago

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