First Quarter Assessment–Are You Approaching Your Bull’s Eye?

Hello good people! Time to check-in.  We just rounded the corner of the first quarter of 2015, and are well on our way into the second quarter.

So, how’s it been going?

Are you moving towards your most meaningful goals, your “High-Impact Targets”, as I like to call them?

Remember, there’s a difference between having wishes and having goals.

As we’ve discussed before, you probably DON’T have goals for 2015—statistically most people don’t–you only have wishes. Be honest with yourself.

You can fix that today, if you take your success seriously (and I’m defining success broadly here—you can define it for yourself).

And if you don’t take your success seriously, you’ll continue to only have wishes instead of robust, powerful goals, which will lead to mediocre results, at best.

Plain and simple, you can’t achieve what you really want without powerful goals.

I’m challenging you to do one of two things. Take your pick.

1) if you actually did set real goals for 2015 (and if you put them in S.M.A.R.T. format, you’re on solid ground), then I want you to honestly assess where you’re at with them up to this point.  What adjustments do you need to make, if any?  What have you been doing well in regards to these goals?  Where is there room for improvement, and what’s your plan?

2) if you DIDN’T set goals for 2015, but only have wishes, it’s not too late! You have three quarters of the year left.  Put some serious thought into your most important goals for the rest of the year.

And remember B.H.A.G.’s.  Think big!  Life’s too short to think small. 

You know what I want?  When we have our end-of-the-year review, and I ask you, “So how did it go?  Did you hit all your bulls-eyes for 2015?”  I want to hear you say YES!

Let’s rock the rest of 2015, shake this thing up, and build some crazy momentum that rockets you straight into the center of your High-Impact Targets.

Ready, set, . . . GO!

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