FREE DOWNLOAD! “Monthly Review” PDF: A Simple Monthly Process that Keeps You On Track and Focused to Achieve Your Primary Targets and Highest Priorities.



5 Solutions for Men Who Are Stuck

I offer 5 solutions that empower men in the 2nd half of life to get themselves UNstuck and back on track, with greater energy, focus, and vision:

  • Monthly Review (NEW!)
  • Vision Session
  • Energy Supercharge
  • MIDLIFE Review and Realignment
  • 1:1 Coaching


SOLUTION 1: Monthly Review

Review ⇒ Realign ⇒ Reengage
Interested in a monthly process that keeps you on track and focused on your highest priorities and primary targets?
If you’re struggling with any of the following, then THIS is for you:
  • procrastination
  • a lot of activity but not much progress
  • lack of focus
  • stuck in status quo month after month
  • too little momentum
  • confusing life direction
  • needing more structure to guide you
We can all benefit from a regular, consistent zooming out and reviewing how things are going–are we moving in the “right” direction, living according our values, priorities, and goals?
And then, if necessary, making adjustments, resetting, and continuing to move forward with a revised game plan.
In this program, you’ll never get more than one month off track, as you’re regularly evaluating and adjusting.

SOLUTION 2: Vision Session

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
If you’re struggling with any of the following, then THIS is for you:
  • lack of clarity on life direction
  • lack of inspiration
  • lack of energy
  • confusion about your purpose
  • nagging feeling you’re “living small”

Having a skillfully-crafted vision is rare. But when you have one, it will pull you into the future and fill you with energy and enthusiasm.

If this isn’t your present experience, then you don’t have that kind of vision.

This is a 1-shot, stand-alone session, where we dig into my visioning process and help you develop a compelling, clarified, purposeful, energizing vision.



SOLUTION 3Energy Supercharge

You can have everything–the purpose, skill, the will, the desire, the intention, and the time. But without sufficient ENERGY, NOTHING else matters. A high-performance race car with an empty gas tank wastes its potential stalled in the garage. 
If you’re struggling with any of the following, then THIS program is for you:
  • burnout
  • lack of energy
  • low motivation
  • chronic stress
  • poor work-life balance
  • decreasing physical health
  • mental fog
  • agitation and anxiety

We ALL have limits. The problem is, we’re often not ALLOWED to have limits.  So we keep charging forward until we collapse from exhaustion.

The fact is that burnout PREVENTION is easier, and CHEAPER, than burnout RECOVERY.  Let’s get ahead of it! 

Join me in figuring out how to stay fresh, resilient, and recharged on a daily basis in this high pressure world that we live in.


SOLUTION 4: MIDLIFE Review and Realignment
In a sporting event, “halftime” is the opportunity to reflect on the first half, and make adjustments to the game plan for the second half.
If you’re struggling with any of the following, then THIS program is for you:
  • confused about your path forward
  • stuck in the doldrums
  • loss of passion about your life
  • feeling alone, even around others
  • feeling your life, and everyone, is passing you by
  • feeling regret about choices you’ve made
  • have lost touch with your core self, what’s most important to you, and your priorities.
At strategic points in our lives there is great benefit to zooming out and reflecting on our lives, as well as zooming in and considering what adjustments need to be made, in order to move forward with greater purposeempowerment, and efficiency.
I’ve designed a program exactly for that.


 SOLUTION 5: 1:1 Coaching

Many people live far below what is possible for themselves, and leave far too much potential on the table.
If you’re struggling with any of the following, then THIS program is for you:
  • lack of vision
  • living “too small”
  • feeling you can’t progress in life
  • lack of support
  • lack of feedback and accountability
  • too stuck in the past
  • difficult life transition
  • have a specific area of life you feel dissatisfied with
In my model, COACHING is a series of powerful conversations, focused on taking bold action, for the purpose of achieving high-impact goals.
I create an environment where you laser-focus on your primary target, and then consistently take action until you complete your mission.
This is action-based coaching, NOT process-oriented therapy.
We ASSESS > PLAN > ACT, and repeat the process as many times as necessary until you achieve your goal.
There is typically a lot of deep  learning and growth along the way.
This is an “open” coaching format, ie, there is no pre-determined topic or program, unlike many of my other offerings. 
YOU bring the topic, the area of focus, and the goal.
Every session builds on the previous one, empowering you to:
  • get deep clarity about your life with a committed, skilled “deep listener”
  • practice being deliberate and intentional to lean into your life, always taking smart action towards your most meaningful goals
  • consistently take a 100% offensive mindset, so that you’re “playing to win” rather than “playing to not lose”
  • improve performance in key target areas
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