Hello again,
This week, I’d like to remind us of something we all know, but is good to reflect on.
Life is a PROCESS. Especially as it relates to our growth.
A process, as opposed to an EVENT. Process vs Event.
Of course, life is made up of many events. Everyday we experience events of various kinds.
But even many events have a longer process embedded in them! Ok, I won’t get too philosophical lol, and try to keep this rather brief.
Let’s think of events being something that occurs at a point in time, generally speaking. And then let’s think of process occurring over the course of time.
I attend a baseball game (an event). I attend my martial arts classes 3 times a week to develop my self-defense ability (process).
There are a lot of directions we could go with this, but I’ll focus briefly on 3 things.
1- Growth is a process. ALWAYS. Growth implies process. Even if something grows relatively quickly, there’s still a process, because it occurred over a period of time. Growth is NEVER an event.
Ok, the exception may be if you experience an event so powerful that it truly is paradigm-shifting and transformational. But in my opinion, these events and experiences are not normative. Growth doesn’t typically happen this way.
Trees usually don’t just pop up out of the ground overnight. Other than Jack’s beanstalk.
2- Pay attention to your process in those areas of life that you want to grow, develop, and improve in. Is there an area you strongly desire to see growth in, but have no real GROWTH PROCESS happening?
Sometimes people are in “event mode” with their growth, ie, they just expect growth to magically “happen,” without any kind of development involved. This never works, and we all intuitively know it. Sometimes we don’t realize that we’re in this “event mode” mindset with our growth–for some people it’s a blind spot.
I’m going to say it again because it’s a crucial reality: sometimes people are in “event mode” with their growth.
3- Be willing to adjust your process when you think it might be helpful to do so. It’s normal for all of us to get stuck in an ineffective process of doing something, or in trying to develop and grow in something.
Sometimes we become too rigid in our process, and would benefit from trying something else. Perfect example: weight loss. Maybe what we’re trying isn’t working. Same with fitness routines.
HOWEVER, maybe we haven’t given the process enough time to bear fruit. You get to decide. Sometimes we need to consult with someone who knows more than we do.
Until next time, keep thriving . . . ACTUALLY, keep engaging in the PROCESS of thriving, and consistently doing the things that progressively (process!) lead you to thrive.
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