Welcome. Quick question: do you want your LIFE, and YOURSELF, to look exactly the same, one year from today?

If you do, then congratulations! You’ve “arrived,” having fully self-actualized, and achieved all you’ve ever wanted for yourself!

How wonderful for you 😉

BUT if you’re living in REALITY, you know there are parts of your life, and parts of yourself, that need to be leveled-up.

Of course, maybe nothing actually needs to be leveled up or improved, but you’ve been aching for something to change.

And, getting from here to there, in the most efficient way possible, ALWAYS begins with a VISION. No exceptions, ever.


Why does it matter, this whole vision thing? Why would it be a good use of your time to check-in about your vision?

When we have a well thought out vision, we have MUCH greater:

  • FOCUS – we wander without a clear target.
  • BOLDNESS – we stretch ourselves beyond our limits.
  • MOTIVATION – we “lean into” achievement. 
  • RESILIENCE – we get back up and recover from set-backs much more quickly.
  • STRUCTURE – we have a destination, a path, and a game plan, which is cooperating with how our brain works best.
  • CLARITY – we always know where we’re headed and what our “mission” is.
  • JUICE – we find ourselves experiencing the reinforcement of hitting our smaller targets that keep pulling us towards our one big target.
  • TIME – life is short, and we need an efficient way of living out our highest values and priorities.
  • CHANGE – how do you think change happens, other than getting clarity on your target and then progressively moving towards it??  This is how we are WIRED!  Oh sure, we can “change by accident”, but that’s not reliable and consistent.



My name is Sean Patrick Cox, from the great city of Chicago.  For the past 4 decades I’ve been enjoying the privilege of partnering with people to assist them in living lives of deep purpose, strong passion, and high performance.

This hasn’t simply been a “hobby”, side gig, or some mid-career transition.  This has always been THE sole focus in my professional life, though it’s also played a huge part in my personal life as well, all the way back to my teen age years.

High performance, personal growth, the healing path, and “decoding greatness” are topics that consume me and fill my brain, and are the things I constantly read about, ponder, and consult with clients on everyday.

I don’t pretend to know everything, but I have much experience with a wide diversity of clientele, who I’ve been very honored to work with and learn from. 

I’ve learned a few things along the way, testing and re-testing different frameworks and protocols, and developing my own best practices and methodology that you can’t figure out simply by reading a book or two – it takes field testing, practice, repetition, experience, and a lot of work over many years.

Some of my personal interests are biblical theologytraditional karate and its modern application, physical trainingreading, and good conversation…and going for a long walk.


I am offering a single, hour-long session, where we dig into your future vision.

My goal for our session together is that you walk away with a clear, compelling, energizing vision. 

At the very least, you walk away with some great ideas, being positively stimulated and inspired to continue the process until you come up with your “final draft.”

Having an effective vision is an absolute game-changer for many people.


Put your name and email in the sign-up box, and I’ll be in touch with you about setting up a time to meet virtually, along with other details, such as the cost of the session.

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