How’s your 2011 shaping up? It’s more than 1/12th over! Are you on track for this year turning out the way you wanted it to?
Or . . . didn’t you really have any specific picture of what you wanted this year to look like?
Hey, it’s not too late to move yourself towards a dynamic and compelling vision in 2011!
Where are you headed? We all need a destination. If you’re taking a road trip, you don’t hop in the car and start driving just anywhere. You make choices about what streets, highways, and thoroughfares to take based on . . . what? Based on your destination.
You take Highway 94, get off at exit 3-B, and turn left at the stop sign because you have previously decided where you are going.
This isn’t rocket science. And I don’t mean to insult your intelligence—I’m stating the obvious. But if it really is obvious, why do so many people—most people, in my opinion—just get in the car and start driving willy-nilly, as it were, when it comes to clearly defining their goals for the year? Well, talking about “why” is the subject of future blog posts.
But the point today is that we all need goals! And we need big, juicy goals. The kind that inspire us to take action. Bold action. Follow me here: bold goals lead to bold action.
If your goals don’t energize you and get you fired up, then all you have is a boring “to-do list”.
So, let me ask you again. Where are you going in 2011?
It’s not too late to make some adjustments, making a left turn at the next corner instead of going straight as you had planned, and move yourself towards a more meaningful and purposeful destination.
If you weren’t really thrilled with how your 2010 just ended, and you’re still living the same way, then guess what? You won’t be very excited in a few months when your 2011 comes to an end either!
As it's been said, "If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten".
Kick things into a higher gear wherever necessary! It doesn’t matter if you start strong as much as if you finish strong. There’s a lot of 2011 left—most of it is still in front of us.
Cast a vision for where you want to be in some area of your life by the end of December, and set some big goals for yourself to get there.
Or, if you prefer, go ahead and wait until 2012 to get serious about all this. What’s the hurry, right?
Wrong! That attitude keeps us stuck. Instead, clarify what you really want and where you really need to be by the end of 2011, and then get moving!